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europa (2022)

europa is a sound installation, concerning the pre existing and permanently installed light sign "EUROPA" on the roof of the Kraftwerk Bille Hamburg. From there, it shines brightly over the roofs of Hamburg since 2019 and, illuminating the darkness, is intended as a “reminder of the EU’s fundamental values such as human dignity, freedom, equality and democracy.” (link) Tho this image, Daniel Dominguez Teruel added a loudspeaker. In 1985, Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” - without lyrics - was declared the official anthem of the EU. But if we listen closely to Europe, we hear them singing an old oriental song.

The EU is not the same as Europe. The mythological figure of Europa is, at its core, a millenia-old tale from the Orient that tells of the meeting of different cultures, including today's Turkey, Iran, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Crete. With the sound installation europa the public space around PARKS becomes an associative space for the identity crisis of the EU with its domestic and foreign policies in relation to the symbol of Europa as a bringer of culture. 

Text: Almedina Cuevas

–> Listen <–

09.09. - 01.10.22
touch don’t touch - Collaborative practices as a sculpture park (link)

Alles ist schon da – Performing Urban Curating Now (link)

A production by Daniel Dominguez Teruel and HALLO: Verein zur Förderung raumöffnender Kultur e.V. / With funds of Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg

Concept: Daniel Dominguez Teruel
Voice: Nouri
Photography: Edward Greiner
Design: Friederike Wolf
